Tuesday, February 10, 2009

First Rest Day

Ugh.. I've decided, against my will to have a rest day from running. And it sucks. Big Time.

Man, I feel like I'm going to burst if I don't move, I tried both jump rope and stationary bike but it just doesn't give you that same satisfied feeling. I hope this does wonders for my foot.

Ahhh... I'm going to go crazy!!

Sunday, February 8, 2009

First Official Post! Woot! (UP - Delta Lamda Sigma Fun Run)

At 6:30am(technically it started at 6:40+am) today, i participated in my first 10k since 2006. That was a loooong time ago. Anyway, it went well enough, I clocked in at 1:05, so thats not so bad, actually it's a decent time, although UP's slanted roads has left an ache in my left foot's arches, which recently has been really acting up, and it certainly is affecting my performance.

The run was a Charity Fund Raiser for DSWD kids so I didn't mind the lack of a singlet or finisher shirt. I was perfectly happy giving my P150, which is cheaper compared to other races, for the worthy cause. And those like me who love to run, and at the same time would love to help the needy, join "Run For Their Lives" on March 15. For the benefit of children who need surgeries, okay pardon my lack of research, will post more on this later.

The race wasn't well organized, as compared to the previous race that I ran this year the Happy Run. Of course considering that this organized by a sorority/varsity team, as opposed to well Coach Rio, you can understand where the discrepancy arises from.

However the race had it's good points, they had numerous markers and checkers designated, with the markers being held by race organizers, which mad the route easy to follow, at the same time they doubled as cheer leaders.

Free Pocari Sweat and TAHO! Add some banana and I would have loved you long time.

Oh, and ZORO was there.

Umm... okay, i ran out of good points. Not because it was a bad race or anything, but I'm just a cynic at heart. :p

Here's a few stuff where i felt the organizers could have worked on, and could have given a more pleasant experience to the runners.

1. Designated time of registration started at 5:00am, now knowing how the running community tend to wake up early, and be their ahead of time, it would've been better if they had set up before the prescribed time.

2. Registration Again Also at that time, they should have anticipated that the sun would not be out yet, thus requiring light of the registration booth. Scrambling in the dark, using cellphones as a light source is off putting, and shows a lack of preparation on the part of the organizer

3. The Start/Finishing Line tarp. It was bad enough that they printed on both sides of the tarp, resulting in runner's starting without seeing the start as it was facing the wrong direction. Okay that's just nit picking i know. My real issue with the tarp is, why was it not place earlier, like the night before, or a little before registration. The start of the race was delayed a little bit, because they had yet to put the tarp.

4. The water stations, Runners love them water stations. There were a total of three stations, which is an adequate amount. My beef with them however, was that the first two stations were placed right after a turn, in such a way that it was in my blind side. So I only saw the water station, after i passed it, meaning I'd have to backtrack to get to it (which is incosiderate to the runners pacing behind you). The third was nicely positioned at the finish line.
But wait... there's more, by my second lap, the water stations were'nt manned anymore just when you needed it most, so it was just a matter of luck if you happen to get a glass of water.

5. The runner's bib debacle, okay the minimum number of safety pins that you are supposed to supply, specially if the bibs are distributed on race day, is 2, dos, nii, er. It's so you can pin it in a way that it wont wiggle, and the front will always show. Seriously, I doubt adding another safety pin per bib would dent your budget. Or you could have advised the people to bring their own, at least that way they would be warned. Ohh and the bib had this pink paper attached to it. I know this was unintentional, but when it got soaked in sweat, which was unavoidable, it bled and stained my Happy Run singlet. Now it has a pink stain. I just wish it comes off.

6. okay, this one's personal. haha. And I bet only Doreen would get it. But i was really looking forward to seeing someone there, hopefully in running attire hahaha. And they let me down big time. FALSE ADVERTISEMENT!! hahaha

Anyway, not to be mean to them. As I appreciate and wish that more people would have the effort to try and help the way they did. And i think my grouchyness is a result of the pain caused by UP's slanted roads on my already suffering arch. And the FALSE ADVERTISEMENT thingie. But, the truth of it, i felt like the event was poorly organized, or that I have impossible standards, caused by the Happy Run.

Still, good job guys... er girls, you did what you came to do, earn money for those kids.

Also, a run is a run, and despite everything I ranted about. I had Fun.